Deposit Limits and Access
Limits are reviewed regularly based on usage and demands
Deposit Limits
Limits are implemented to safeguard against unusually large deposits and withdrawals that could potentially be linked to illicit activities, such as attempts by attackers to rapidly move substantial amounts of funds following a security breach. These limits are applied to both types of pools but in different ways
Public Pools have a deposit limit applied to total amount of deposits per day
Verified Pools deposit limits are applied per address (user) per day
0.01 ETH
10 deposits daily per address
0.1 ETH daily per address
0.1 ETH
50 deposits daily per address
5 ETH daily per address
20 deposits daily per address
20 ETH daily per address
200 USDC
0.005 ETH
100 deposits daily
0.5 ETH daily
0.05 ETH
20 deposits daily
1 ETH daily
Pool Type Access
To access any pool you must hold the correct amount of $VEIL in your wallet - check VEIL Token for more details.
Public Pools
Any EVM address can deposit in the public pools
Verified Pools
Depositors into the Verified pools must be verified via Coinbase Onchain verification - check Coinbase Onchain Verification for more details.
Last updated