VEIL Token
Details about the VEIL token - the official token of
Last updated
Details about the VEIL token - the official token of
Last updated
100 million total supply
Contract address 0x767A739D1A152639e9Ea1D8c1BD55FDC5B217D7f
Dexscreener / Basescan / Uniswap / Aerodrome / CoinGecko
Liquidity Pool
40% 🔒
40% of tokens made available in Uniswap V3 pool at launch. Position locked on UNCX for 1 year. Revenue generated from native liquidity goes to treasury.
Held in Veil multisig wallet
Incentives to stimulate growth
Partner Projects
5% allocated to Based Onchain Dinos holders.
Team + Advisors
15% 🔒
Locked and vested
Token locks are done via Sablier + LP Locker via UNCX
Wallets holding these funds can be found on the Deploymentspage
Access to the Veil protocol requires holding a specific amount of $VEIL tokens, depending on the type of pool and its requirements. The table below outlines the current token thresholds needed to participate in each pool. These amounts are monitored and are subject to change.
0.01 ETH
Not Required
0.1 ETH
2,500 VEIL
2,500 VEIL
0.005 ETH
Not Required
0.05 ETH
2,500 VEIL
To incentivise active participation and support the growth of the protocol, users who deposit and contribute to expanding the anonymity set (anonset) will earn rewards.
Deposits earns points based on their activity, which are later converted into VEIL tokens. This system not only encourages usage but also aligns user contributions with the long-term growth and sustainability of the Veil ecosystem.
More detail are available here
A 0.5% fee is applied to all deposits within the protocol. Of this fee, 75% is allocated to reward token holders who actively stake their $VEIL tokens.
More details on this to follow in the coming weeks.